Leo Alsved

By Leo Alsved

Posted on 22nd January 2016

I know what you're thinking, and stop it. If you've never shared the magic of a kiss on the chairlift, you've obviously never done a torchlit night-ski. JK it's actually really hard to make out wearing a helmet and goggles and still feel smooth, trust us. Not to mention the fact that torchlight skiing carries it's own set of inherent challenges, like how the flares can drip fire if you do it wrong, or the fact that it's absolutely freezing. But if you can see past the awkward goggle knocking, and potentially hazardous pursuit of skiing with fire into the icy darkness of an unfamiliar country, then you have an experience and a half on your hands. 


Skiing by it's very nature is risky, that's what the helmet is for. So when you are ready to squeeze every ounce of magic from your day, then think forward when the sun goes down. Stay in that gear, gather your crew, take swig of that schnapps and hop on the chairlift for one of the most magical experiences you ever think of. We love torchlit night-skis and we try to organise them wherever possible, which usually means running a private chairlift for The Ski Week only. So ask yourself, would you rather be the watcher or the skier? Just make sure you bring those clear lenses ;).


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